lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Unit 11

In this unit we will be using these exercises and activities from the coursebook:

You can do the test on your own.

Unit 10

In this unit we will be using these exercises and activities from the coursebook:
  • Unit 10. Oral activities: .
  • Unit 10. Vocabulary and grammar.
  • Unit 10. Vocabulary plus.

You can do the test on your own.

Unit 9

In this unit we will be using these exercises and activities from the coursebook:

You can do these activities on your own.

Unit 8

In this unit we will be using these exercises and activities from the coursebook:

You can do the test on your own.

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Unit 7

In this unit we will be using these exercises and activities from the coursebook:

You can do the test on your own.

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

Unit 6

In this unit we will be using these exercises and activities from the coursebook:

You can do the test on your own.

You can find the recording for exercise 1 of progress test 6 on the wiki.

miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

Unit 5

In this unit we will be using these exercises and activities from the coursebook:

You can do the test on your own.


This is the video of the song that comes on page 114 of your coursebooks.

You can find the lyrics and the key to the exercise in your coursebooks here.

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2012

Unit 4

In this unit we will be using these exercises and activities from the coursebook:

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

The holiday I will never forget

Do please leave a comment telling us about the holiday you will never forget because it was the best/worst/most unusual you have ever had or for whatever reason.

Then comment on your partners' holidays. What do you think of them?

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Unit 3

In this unit we will be using these exercises and activities from the coursebook:

Further practice on formal writing

If you want some further practice on formal writing, you can work with these sections from the workbook:

  • Reading and Writing Portfolio 3: Holiday arrangements (pages 74-75).
  • Reading and Writing Portfolio 9: A letter of application (pages 86-87).
  • Reading and Writing Portfolio Plus 3: Asking for information (pages 98-99). Be careful with this one, as the register in the model is more informal because contractions are used.

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Spanish eating habits

Do please leave a comment with your opinion on Spanish eating habits. Do you think they are changing? If so, for the better or worse? Do you agree with your partners' opinions?

What's your dream job like?

Do please leave a comment telling us about your dream job. You don't have to say what it is if you don't want to. Think about what you have to do as part of it, adjectives to describe it, etc. Please also leave your opinion on your partners' dreams jobs. Do you agree with them?

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Unit 2

In this unit we will be doing these exercises and activities:

This is the video of the song You can't hurry love that comes on page 114.

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Unit 1. Laughter clubs

In unit 1 we have read about laughter clubs and their benefits. This is the link to a laughter club.

What do you think of them? Would you like to join one? Why (not)? Do please leave a comment with your opinion on this issue.

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Unit 1

In this unit we will be doing the following activities and exercises:

Mobile phones

Amy and Jeremy give their opinion about mobile phones and how people use them (Coursebook, page 8). Please leave your opinion on this issue by posting a comment.

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Información general

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Burgos

Bienvenidos al primer curso del Nivel Intermedio, curso 2012-2013. A continuación se incluyen una serie de enlaces que pueden resultarte útiles:

Para cualquier información de tipo administrativo debes consultar de forma habitual la página web de la Escuela.

Para comprobar tus faltas de asistencia y calificaciones por destreza de los exámenes finales de la convocotoria de junio y septiembre tienes que acceder al Portal del alumno.

Para poder acceder al mismo debes introducir tu número de usuario (tu número de expediente académico) y contraseña (tu DNI sin letra). En el caso de NIE, consulta en Administración cuál es tu contraseña.

Libros de texto e información sobre el sistema de evaluación

Face2face Intermediate

A continuación puedes encontrar la ficha que necesito que me entregues lo antes posible. Si quieres cambiar de grupo, espera hasta que sepas si se te ha concedido el cambio, y de continuar en el grupo en el que te matriculaste, por favor entrégamela cuando sea definitivo que sigues en el mismo.

Esta es la información sobre los libros de texto y el sistema de evaluación. Para obtener una información más detallada al respecto, visita la página web de la Escuela, y más concretamente la sección del Departamento de inglés. Allí encontrarás la programación de todos los cursos, donde se especifican los contenidos, objetivos, sistema de evaluación, etc. Estará disponible a partir del mes de noviembre.