martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

The holiday I will never forget

Do please leave a comment telling us about the holiday you will never forget because it was the best/worst/most unusual you have ever had or for whatever reason.

Then comment on your partners' holidays. What do you think of them?

6 comentarios:

  1. My trip to Tunisia was the best holiday I've ever had so far.I went with my girlfriend cos I don't like travel alone.
    Four years ago we went to Tunisia at Easter time.We tried to arrange everything before setting off,accommodation,location,timetables and so on.We were going on a package holiday, that included several guided tours;I think it's better to go on a package holiday than travel independently in case you travel to others continents.
    We had to set off early in the morning in order to get on the plane which would take us to Tunisia.We get there by 10 a.m.
    At the airport,a bus was waiting to pick us up to the hotel where we checked in.
    We had a great time and spent an incredible fortnight there although we had to deal with the Arabs,whom,most of them are rather annoying.
    We got back safe and sound and bought a lot of souvenirs back.

    1. Rubén, remember, "... I don't like travelling", "at Easter", "... before setting off - accommodations,...", What do you mean by location?. "... if you travel to another continent", "...we got there...", "... waiting to take us to the hotel...", "the Arabs, most of whom...", "... brought a lot of souvenirs back".

      Be careful with punctuation: "... holiday that included", "... a fortnight there, although we had..."

      Would you recommend it? Why (not)?

  2. I.m going to speak about my last holiday
    I was in Kenya for 2 weeks, my stay there was fairly good but a little unusual.
    We got at 6 o´clock a.m., after breakfast we got get into a jeep and we went on guide tour, from jeep I could watch all kind of animals as lions gozelles, giraffes, cebras, cocodriles, etc.
    I felt confused when the animals fight each other, It was absolutely terrible.
    On day a mosquito bit me on the arm, the next day the doctor give me a cortisone cream, it reduce welling.
    We used to sleep in the tented camp, the first night I didn´t sleep a wink because I was quite afraid of the unknown, but after 5 days I felt like in my house.
    Kenya give me a wonderful landscape and I have had the opportunity to watch and enjoy the wildlife

    1. Angélica, remember, "I'm... ", "we got up at 6 o'clock in the morning/6.00 a.m.", "... went on guided tours/a guided tour...", "from the jeep I could see all kinds of animals such as ... gazelles,..., zebras...", "... the doctor gave me cortisone cream to reduce swelling", "... I felt like at home".

      What do you mean by "the unknown", "Kenya gave me a wonderful landscape"?

      Be careful with punctuation: "... was fairly good, but a little unusual". "We got up at 6 o'clock in the morning/6.00 a.m. After breakfast, ..."

      Would you recommend it? Why (not)?

  3. I'd recomend to travel to Tunissia because it's a nice place to spend your free time and it's quite cheap as well compare to others destinations in europe for example.
    On the other hand,nowadays though, it might be a bit dangerous to travel to arabs countries because of the conflicts that involved them.In spite of that,I'm pretty sure you'd enjoy its amazing landscape,its views its customs and its people too because they try to care its turism a lot,being that its only way to get money for this country because they have no other sources like petrol gas or anything as they neigbours countries have.
    So,I encourge anybody to travel to Tunissia.

  4. Rubén, remember, Tunisia is spelt with just one "s", "... it's also quite cheap compared to other destinations in Europe.", "...Arab countries because of the conflicts between them.", "... to care for tourism, as this is the only way for this country to get money, ...", "... other (natural) resources as opposed to their neighbouring countries.", "encourage". Be also careful with punctuation. You have omitted several commas.

    Does anybody else agree with Rubén?
