lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Unit 1. Laughter clubs

In unit 1 we have read about laughter clubs and their benefits. This is the link to a laughter club.

What do you think of them? Would you like to join one? Why (not)? Do please leave a comment with your opinion on this issue.

14 comentarios:

  1. As far as I know laufther clubs might be a good way to improve our health by laugthing.I haven't been to any of these yet but I wouldn't mind to go and check by myself if they worth.Several researches have shown that the more u get older the less u laught on your own.When u are a child u don't have worries or cares and so u smile the whole day.So if u are looking for happyness,looking for be more cheerful let's smile.

    1. Remember, "laughter", "laughing"; "the older you get, the less you laugh"; "you don't have any worries..."; "happiness, to be more cheerful".

      What can we do to help people laugh more?

      Do please include your name in your next comment.

    2. I'm Ruben and I'm anonymous.From now I'll include my name in my comments.
      What I meant was "looking for to be more cheerful",but I don't know if it's right.
      On the other hand,worries is an uncountable noun then?.
      I must be more careful whit my spelling mistakes.
      I don't know what can we do or what can I do to help people laugh more,I wish I would.Maybe we should think that we're in this world for a short period of time and we all should try not whasting our life with nonsense and enjoy doing what we want to do,enjoying the little things,the little moments that we usually got in everyday life,such as being with friends,family,whatching the blue sky in a sunny summer day,helping to each other and so on.Even in the worst moments of our lives we've got always a good reason and a good chance to laugh/for laughing?

    3. Thank you Rubén. First of all some comments on a few little mistakes. "From now on", "trying to be or seeking to be". Worries is countable, as it is plural, but as you use it in the negative, you have to include any. "with", "I don't know... what I can do". "We should try not to waste our lives worrying about trivial things" "... things that we usually get in ..." "watching", "...we've always got".

      What you meant is much clearer now. Do you partners agree with you?

  2. I think the sense of humor and laughter can help in many situations of your life.
    I have never been to a laughter club but I think it can be interesting. Laughter is healthy.
    In fact, we should learn to laugh at many serious things, especially the crisis and politicians.

    1. Miriam, "humor" is the American English spelling for humour (British English spelling).

      What do you think we can do to learn to laugh at what happens to us in our everyday lives?

    2. The first thing we have do is learn to distinguish things that are really important from things that aren't important enough.
      Then, we can laugh at the problems that happen with things that are not important enough. Normally we see life too seriously.

    3. Miriam, remember, "... we have to do is to learn to distinguish those things that are important from those that aren't important enough", "... laugh with trivial things".

      I agree with you. What about your partners?

  3. I was once in the class of laughter, at first it seems a silly after that you start to laught and in less five minutes you will be lying on the floor and you can not stop laughing.
    Of course, it is good for health and it help to us to forget the sorrows and to be a little happier.

    1. Angélica, remember, "it seems silly"; "to laugh"; "in less than five..."; "cannot"; "good for your health"; "it helps us to forget about".

      Would you recommend us to go to one of these clubs? Why?

  4. I think that laughter club is a good option for our stressed lifes.
    Smile always is good for everybody, and it´s possible feel better.I would like going to one laughter class to improve my healthy because laughter is healthy. We must forget bad things and this´s a good method.

    1. Ainara, remember, "a laughter club"; "lives"; "smiling"; "it's possible to feel better", but rather, you may feel better. "improve my health"; "forget about bad..."; "a good way".

      Can you think of other ways that can help us forget about bad things?

  5. I don´t mind go to a Laughter Club, Why not? It´s a new experience in my life and I think that laugh is very goog¡ When you are laughting you feel better, you are happy and all things around you are good.
    Studies of different School of Medicine say that laughter is very healhty, bacause it reduces stress, improve our defenses and is very good for the heart. I think that laugther lengthen the life although we have a lot of wrinkles in our face.

  6. Remember, "I don't mind going", "laughing is good", "when you laugh, you feel better", "... everything around you is good", "studies by different schools of medicine", "... improves our defences", "lengthens life", "... on our faces".

    Would you prefer to go to one of these clubs on your own or with somebody else? Why?
