lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

What's your dream job like?

Do please leave a comment telling us about your dream job. You don't have to say what it is if you don't want to. Think about what you have to do as part of it, adjectives to describe it, etc. Please also leave your opinion on your partners' dreams jobs. Do you agree with them?

8 comentarios:

  1. My dream job....these days is very difficult to find a good job; the recession is the most important problem to find a good job. Nowadays we have to work long hours, spend a lot of time at work, spend free overtime, meet more deadlines,...and we haven´t good work conditions¡
    Prices are growing a lot, but our salaries aren´t.
    But this is not the question¡ My dream job is a job in which I feel really satisfied with things I have to do, with my customers, with my workmates and with my salary. It is very important to have enough time to relax or spend time with your families, driend, ...
    But i am sure that there isn´t a perfect job, every work have good things and bad thing¡

    1. Remember, "these days it is very difficult...", "... work overtime for free", "... good working conditions", "... satisfied with the things I have to do", "every job has both good and bad things".

      If you had to choose from those things you mention that characterise a good job, which one would be the most important to you? Why?

    2. I prefer feel good with my job and wiht my workmates and win less money, because to have money is important, but you sometimes can get a lot of money but you haven´t got time to spend it. You have to work long hours and spend a lot of time at work, them you feel really exhauted and you can do anythig more.
      I really like finishing my work and feel that this has been a good day¡

    3. Mery, remember, "I prefer feeling good", "with", "you earn money when you mean your salary", "then", "exhausted", "and you can do nothing else", "... and feeling this has been".

      I agree with you. What about your partners?

  2. My dream job is a fantasy,I mean it doesn't exist but if I could choose one,the best one would be as a physiotherapist in the playboy mansion....I was jocking of course.
    I'd like to have a very well-paid job mainly but the most important thing for me is not to have any timetable.I'd like to be able to start working whenever I like and finish when I'm bored or tired.Maybe it might be a challenging,unstressful and satisfying job without much responsability.I wouldn't like neither working long hours nor doing overtime.
    Now I'm going to stop dreaming cos I'm working tomorrow and indeed my real job is badly-paid,full time and dull but fortunately is a permanent job and that's more than enough at the moment.

    1. Rubén, remember, "joking", "responsibility", "I would like neither to work long hours nor do overtime", "... it is a permanent job".

      Do you think that nowadays people are happy with the idea that their jobs are permanent even if they don't have the same working conditions as some years ago?

  3. I'm completely sure that nowadays,people're absolutely delighted by having a permanent job,although they're a precarious jobs cos we've got a really awful problem like unemployment.
    With changes in laws you can be fired even afterwards a long-hard devoted career just for and extremelly ridiculous amount of money.
    Certainly in spite of having better working conditions currently than some time ago,we're coming back towards the sixties same working conditions;our rights are decreasing little by little more and more everyday.We must fight to keep our rights the same or even better and we should not to stand sit around without doing anything about it.

    1. Rubén, remember, "people are", "they're precarious jobs", "... after a long devoted career ... just for an extremely ...", "... coming back to the sixties as regards working conditions", "... are decreasing more and more/little by little", "... we should not sit around without doing...".

      Do you partners agree with you?
