lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Unit 1

In this unit we will be doing the following activities and exercises:

Mobile phones

Amy and Jeremy give their opinion about mobile phones and how people use them (Coursebook, page 8). Please leave your opinion on this issue by posting a comment.

14 comentarios:

  1. I'm sure mobile phones together with the Internet are probably one of the most important invention in the last century.Nowadays almost everyone owns a mobile phone.You can speak to whoever u like,whenever u want and wherever you are.If you've got a mobile,u've got internet conexion too,besides tv,radio,calculator and a lot of posibilities else.On the other hand I think we're becoming less talkative at least face to face.

    1. Remember, "one of the most important inventions". What do you think we can do to go on being talkative, especially face to face? By the way, what's your name?

    2. There's a song that goes:I'm tired using technology.....,that's exactly what I think.It's clear that we have to adjust to nowadays circumstances and currently everybody owns a mobile phone or a computer,however we should be a bit more sociable and going out of /leaving our homes more often instead of staying in ,sitting in front of ours computers or watching ours mobiles phones screens.the human being needs to talk,we have to be in touch one another,we must to convey our feelings to each other and turn ours gadgets off.

    3. Remember Rubén, "tired of using", "we have to adapt to the present/current circumstances", "be more sociable and go out..." "our computers/mobile phones/gadgets" "be in touch with" "we must convey".

      I think you are right. Do you partners agree with you?

  2. I think that the mobile phone has a lot advantages,for exemple you can communicate with a lot people all times,you can resolve some doubts through internet and sometimes it helps you to work.
    Disadvantages, the excess of it can become you less sociable, perhaps an addict also it is quite expensive, however has movile phone has more advantages that disadvantages

    1. Angélica, remember, "has a lot of advantages/ a lot of people"; "for example"; "can communicate... at any time"; "the internet"; "it helps you with your work/at work"; "using it too much can make you become addicted"; "mobile"; "more advantages than".

      What's the most important advantage for you? And the most important disadvantage?

  3. The mobile phone is a very good invention, but I think that we shouldn'nt lose our social skills.
    I don'nt like talking to people just throught a machine.

    1. So how do you think we should use it to communicate with other people?

  4. The mobile phone is important, especially in dangerous situations. It is also true that some calls may be unwelcome. But in these cases you always can turn off or mute the phone. I think the mobile phone is useful, isn't it?

    1. Miriam, remember "turn it off"; "set it to silent mode".

      How important is your mobile phone to you?

  5. I don't need to stay connected to any kind of network, I don't like to pay more money than needed to any company every month. One year ago I could test what it was supposed to be the best mobile phone ever created: iPhone. And my opinion about this so-called wonder is that it has been the best way to cheat thousands of users all over the world. First of all you have to pay a huge amount of money to get one of those, and afer that you must pay for absolutely everything you want to do with it. And do not forget that all the software included and availabe has serious factory restrictions. And I consider them as a real insult to their owners.

    1. Alejandro, remember, "I was able to try what was supposed to be... - the iPhone."; "software available"; "I consider them a real insult..."

      If so, why do you think it is so popular with people?

  6. Actually, I think the mobile is necessary and it help us in our life. However, if you have a mobile you sometimes have to pay a money, and you are always connected whith the people.
    Although it have disadvantages, I really love my mobile; I can speak whit my family and friends, I can have Internet, I can take photos... The problem, ocassionally, is the batery.

    1. Rebeca, remember, "actually means really, so you would say Nowadays/Currently/At present/These days..."; "... it helps us in our everyday lives."; "money" is uncountable; "with"; you would say "you can be contacted at any time."; "... it has some disadvantages..."; "I can access the Internet"; "battery".

      According to you, what are the most important disadvantages of mobile phones?
